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Block Production and Emissions

Proof-of-Liquidity governs block rewards and token emissions on Berachain using the $BGT token. This page explains the mathematical principles behind validator selection, block rewards, and emissions calculations.

Validator Selection

The network maintains an active set of N validators who are eligible for block production. Selection criteria include:

  • Only top N validators by $BERA stake are included in active set
  • Block proposal probability is proportional to staked $BERA and does not affect reward amounts
  • Stake limitations per validator:
    • Minimum: 250,000 $BERA
    • Maximum: 10,000,000 $BERA

$BGT Emissions Structure

When a validator produces a block, $BGT tokens are emitted through two emission components:

  1. Base Emission

    • Fixed amount equal to a base rate parameter (B)
    • Paid directly to block-producing validator
  2. Reward Vault Emission

    • Variable amount dependent on validator's boost (x)
      • i.e. percentage of total $BGT delegated to the validator
    • Distributed to Reward Vaults selected by validator
      • Proportional to weights configured in the validator's Reward Allocation
      • Valdators receive Incentives from projects based on amounts directed to their Reward Vaults

Validator Boosts

Boost is a crucial metric that determines a validator's reward emissions:

  • Calculated as the percentage of $BGT delegation a validator has compared to the total $BGT delegated in the network
  • Expressed as a decimal between 0 and 1
  • Example: If a validator has 1000 $BGT delegated and the network has 10000 total $BGT delegated, their boost would be 0.1 (10%) Higher boost leads to higher reward emissions, subject to the emission formula

$BGT Emissions Per Block

The total $BGT emitted per block is calculated using the following formula:



x (boost)Fraction of total $BGT delegated to validator (range: [0,1])Determines $BGT emissions to Reward Vaults
B (base rate)Fixed amount of 0.5 $BGT for block productionDetermines baseline validator rewards
R (reward rate)Base $BGT amount for reward vaultsSets foundation for reward emissions
a (boost multiplier)Boost impact coefficientHigher values increase boost importance
b (convexity parameter)Boost impact curve steepnessHigher values penalize low boost more severely
m (minimum boosted reward rate)Floor for reward vault emissionsHigher values benefit low-boost validators

Sample Emissions Chart

Using the following sample parameters, we can visualize how emissions scale with $BGT delegation:


chart showing how emissions scale with  delegation

Max Block Inflation

$BGT emissions grow with the amount of boost a evalidator has, up to a cap. The Maximum theoretical block emission occurs at 100% boost:


$BGT Distribution

$BGT is emitted to reward vaults on a per block basis via the Distributor by invoking the distributeFor function. This invocation creates $BGT that is then claimable by Reward Vault stakers.


Rewards are created on a per block basis, however the disitribution of rewards is done over a seven day period.

Rewards are streamed linearly over this period to depositors proportionally to their deposit amounts. The reward window is reset each time new rewards are added.

Distribution Example

On Berachain $BGT is distributed per block meaning that the seven day disitrubtion period is consistently being pushed to "start" on the current block. Thus this period should be viewed as a weekly sliding window based on the emissions at any given time during the previous week.

A more real world example with simplified numbers can be used to undesrtand distribution currently (taking place over 2 weeks):

  • 7 $BGT distributed daily, for a total of 98 over 14 days
  • 1 depositor, owning all the deposits

The distribution graph would be as follows:

Complex Example


  • Emitted: Total number of $BGT distributed and available
  • Claimable: Total number of $BGT able to be claimed by depositors
  • Daily Reward: Daily number of $BGT marked as claimable based on emitted tokens unlocks

This results in the depositor receiving an increasing amount of $BGT daily until rewards reach a saturation point after 7 days where all rewards are actively being distributed. Given that rewards are distributed on a frequent basis, the reward rate on a new reward vault should normalize after the initial seven day period.

Reward duration periods incentivize ecosystem alignment with depositors via this distribution mechanism rather than allowing rewards to be instantly claimed.