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Berachain Protocol Overview

Berachain Protocol is an EVM Identical blockchain which aims to be one of the most efficient EVMs when it comes liquidity by utilizing a Proof-of-Liquidity consensus mechanism.

Proof-of-Liquidity In Practice 📚

  1. A prospective validator/staker will provide an initial gas token bond ($BERA) to secure the network and gain eligibility to produce blocks. All active validators have an equal chance to be selected to propose a block.
  2. When a validator is chosen to propose a block, they are rewarded with governance tokens ($BGT) to redistribute to reward vaults via a chosen Cutting Board distribution.
  3. Reward vaults that receive $BGT keep track of users who have provided liquidity to the vault in the form of specific assets and distribute the $BGT to these users according to their percentage contribution.
  4. Users holding $BGT can decide which validators to delegate to. This increase validators reward weights, which influences how much $BGT is distributed to their selected reward vaults.
  5. Additionally users can burn their $BGT for the native gas token ($BERA) or use it for creating and voting on governance proposals.

[Graphic - Steps]

Aligning Protocols and Validators 🤝

Because validators are given the responsibility of distributing governance tokens to reward vaults when chosen to propose a block, it introduces a new dynamic where rewards to these protocol vaults become more accessible.

Additionally, validators will share a stronger relationship with protocols, as their reward weight is determined by the governance tokens delegated to them, creating a symbiotic relationship.

[Graphic - Protocol + Reward Vault]

Berachain Protocol is an EVM Identicial blockchain which aims to be one of the most efficient EVMs when it comes liquidity by utilizing a Proof-of-Liquidity consensus mechanism.

Consensus Layer

The Berachain Protocol is built on top of BeaconKit, which leverages CometBFT to separate the consensus layer, and tailor it to support Eth Execution clients.

Berachain/ Beaconkit Consensus

The main role of the consensus client (BeaconKit) is to reach consensus on block data coming from the Eth Execution client via Engine API.

Execution Layer

Berachain leverages existing Eth Execution clients to plug into a rich EVM ecosystem of researchers and tooling.

This means that any ETH Execution client (Geth, Reth, etc) can be used out of the box, without any modification and paired with BeaconKit.


Berachain uses 3 main tokens that are native to the chain.


The main gas token of Berachain protocol, which also acts as a validator's activation bond (x $BERA decided via governance needs to staked to become an "active" validator ).


Berachain Governance Token $BGT is the native governance token that is typically rewarded to direct delegators and specific liquidity providers (LPs), through pools, when a validator proposes a new block, is awarded some $BGT, and distributes that $BGT to specific delegators and liquidity pools.

$BGT is non-transferable, can only be awarded through validators, can be staked with validators, used in governance proposals, and can be burned for $BERA - the native Berachain gas token.

See $BGT to learn more.


Berachain's native stablecoin that is canonical token used for most Berachain Native dApps.

See $HONEY to learn more.

Berachain DApps

Berachain has a series of native dApps (BEX, Berps, and Bend) that are implementations of the PoL framework of PoL Gauges where users can provide liquidity and become elligible to receive $BGT emissions.

  • Bex: Berachain's native decentralized exchange.
  • Bend: Berachain's native lending and borrowing exchange.
  • Berps: Berachain's native perpetual protocol (perps) implementation.
  • Honey Swap: Berachain's native swap for $HONEY stablecoin for stables.
  • BGT Station: Berachain's native DApp for managing your $BGT rewards.
  • Beratrail: Berachain's native block explorer.
  • Faucet: Berachain's native faucet for $BERA (gas token).