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Berachain Node Quickstart โšก โ€‹

This will walk you through on setting up a mainnet full node with beacond consensus client and a reth execution client.

Requirements โš™๏ธ โ€‹

The following requirements are needed to run both the execution and consensus client.

  • OS: Linux AMD64, Linux ARM64, MacOS ARM64
  • CPU: 8 Physical Cores
  • RAM: 48GB
  • Storage: 4TB (SSD with high IOPS)

Ensure you have have Golang v1.22.0 or greater installed. Recommend to install to /opt/go/ and add /opt/go/bin to your PATH.

Download the latest, appropriate, reth and beacond releases from their respective release pages.

Getting Ready ๐Ÿš€ โ€‹

Make an area to work in. If you're a Unix traditionalist, choose /opt/beranode.


mkdir beranode
cd beranode

Create a file called and add the following:

File: ./


export MONIKER_NAME=camembera
export WALLET_ADDRESS_FEE_RECIPIENT=0x9BcaA41DC32627776b1A4D714Eef627E640b3EF5

export CHAIN=mainnet-beacon-80094

export BEACOND_BIN=$(pwd)/beacond
export BEACOND_DATA=$(pwd)/var/beacond
export BEACOND_CONFIG=$(pwd)/var/beacond/config

export EL_AUTHRPC_PORT=8551
export RPC_DIAL_URL=http://localhost:$EL_AUTHRPC_PORT

export RETH_BIN=$(pwd)/reth
export RETH_DATA=$(pwd)/var/reth
export RETH_GENESIS_PATH=$RETH_DATA/genesis.json

export LOG_DIR=$(pwd)/var/log/

# Create required directories
mkdir -p "$BEACOND_DATA"
mkdir -p "$BEACOND_CONFIG"
mkdir -p "$RETH_DATA"
mkdir -p "$LOG_DIR"

# Check executables exist and are executable
if [ ! -x "$BEACOND_BIN" ]; then
    echo "Error: $BEACOND_BIN does not exist or is not executable"
    exit 1

if [ ! -x "$RETH_BIN" ]; then
    echo "Error: $RETH_BIN does not exist or is not executable"
    exit 1

These two constants should be changed:

  1. MONIKER_NAME: Should be a name of your choice for your node. This is a name presented on the chain to other nodes and is useful for debugging.
  2. WALLET_ADDRESS_FEE_RECIPIENT: This is the address that will receive the priority fees for blocks sealed by your node. If your node will not be a validator, this won't matter.

The following constants should be checked:

  • BEACOND_BIN should be the full path to where you placed beacond. The value shown above would be used if you placed beacond in the beranode directory.
  • RETH_BIN should be the full path to where you placed reth. The value shown above would be used if you placed reth in the beranode directory.
  • BEACOND_DATA and BEACOND_CONFIG are the directories for the database and configuration files for the consensus client.
  • RPC_DIAL_URL is the URL of the execution client. If you choose to arrange beacond and reth to run on different machines, you will need to change this value to the RPC URL of reth.
  • LOG_DIR is the directory for the log files, and should be set up with log rotation when in production.

Test to make sure it works:

# FROM: ~/beranode


# [Expected Output]:
# BEACOND_BIN=/Users/camembera/beranode/beacond
# BEACOND_DATA=/Users/camembera/beranode/var/beacond
# BEACOND_CONFIG=/Users/camembera/beranode/var/beacond/config
# RPC_DIAL_URL=http://localhost:8551
# JWT_PATH=/Users/camembera/beranode/var/beacond/config/jwt.hex
# RETH_BIN=/Users/camembera/beranode/reth
# RETH_DATA=/Users/camembera/beranode/var/reth

Fetch Mainnet Parameters ๐Ÿ“ฅ โ€‹

The key network parameters for Berachain mainnet are downloaded by the following script.

File: ./


set -e
. ./

mkdir -p seed-data
curl -s -o seed-data/kzg-trusted-setup.json $SEED_DATA_URL/kzg-trusted-setup.json$SEED_DATA_URL_SUFFIX
curl -s -o seed-data/genesis.json $SEED_DATA_URL/genesis.json$SEED_DATA_URL_SUFFIX
curl -s -o seed-data/eth-genesis.json $SEED_DATA_URL/eth-genesis.json$SEED_DATA_URL_SUFFIX
curl -s -o seed-data/el-peers.txt $SEED_DATA_URL/el-peers.txt$SEED_DATA_URL_SUFFIX
curl -s -o seed-data/app.toml $SEED_DATA_URL/app.toml$SEED_DATA_URL_SUFFIX
curl -s -o seed-data/config.toml $SEED_DATA_URL/config.toml

md5sum seed-data/*

You can invoke the script as follows. It will print out an md5 hash of the files to verify integrity.

# FROM: ~/beranode


# [Expected Output]:
# 6e4179e38e11696f8402cd5f8e872726  seed-data/app.toml
# 1021d186aae506482deb760e63143ae6  seed-data/config.toml
# 3caf21bb2134ed4c1970c904d2128d30  seed-data/el-peers.txt
# cd3a642dc78823aea8d80d5239231557  seed-data/eth-genesis.json
# c66dbea5ee3889e1d0a11f856f1ab9f0  seed-data/genesis.json
# 5d0d482758117af8dfc20e1d52c31eef  seed-data/kzg-trusted-setup.json

Check the signatures above with your results, and contact Discord: #bug-reports or your Validator Relations contact if you have a mismatch.

Set up the Consensus Client ๐Ÿ”— โ€‹

The next script puts in place the seed data for the chain downloaded above, and updates the configuration files for the consensus client to refer to certain paths correctly, then runs runs beacond init and beacond jwt generate.

File: ./


set -e
. ./
mkdir -p $BEACOND_DATA

if [ -f "$BEACOND_CONFIG/priv_validator_key.json" ]; then
    echo "Error: $BEACOND_CONFIG/priv_validator_key.json already exists"
    exit 1


cp seed-data/genesis.json $BEACOND_CONFIG/genesis.json
cp seed-data/kzg-trusted-setup.json $BEACOND_CONFIG/kzg-trusted-setup.json
cp seed-data/app.toml $BEACOND_CONFIG/app.toml
cp seed-data/config.toml $BEACOND_CONFIG/config.toml

# choose sed options based on OS
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
    SED_OPT="-i ''"

sed $SED_OPT 's|^moniker = ".*"|moniker = "'$MONIKER_NAME'"|' $BEACOND_CONFIG/config.toml
sed $SED_OPT 's|^rpc-dial-url = ".*"|rpc-dial-url = "'$RPC_DIAL_URL'"|' $BEACOND_CONFIG/app.toml
sed $SED_OPT 's|^jwt-secret-path = ".*"|jwt-secret-path = "'$JWT_PATH'"|' $BEACOND_CONFIG/app.toml
sed $SED_OPT 's|^trusted-setup-path = ".*"|trusted-setup-path = "'$BEACOND_CONFIG/kzg-trusted-setup.json'"|' $BEACOND_CONFIG/app.toml
sed $SED_OPT 's|^suggested-fee-recipient = ".*"|suggested-fee-recipient = "'$WALLET_ADDRESS_FEE_RECIPIENT'"|' $BEACOND_CONFIG/app.toml

$BEACOND_BIN jwt generate -o $JWT_PATH

The key result of beacond init is the file var/beacond/config/priv_validator_key.json. This contains your node's private key, and especially if you intend to become a validator, this file should be kept safe. It cannot be regenerated, and losing it means you will not be able to participate in the consensus process.

The other important file generated is var/beacond/config/jwt.hex. This contains a secret shared between the consensus client and the execution client so they can securely communicate. Protect this file. If you suspect it has been leaked, generate a new one with beacond jwt generate -o $JWT_PATH.

Invoke it:

# FROM: ~/beranode


# [Expected Output]:
# {
#  "moniker": "<your moniker here>",
#  "chain_id": "mainnet-beacon-80094",
#  "stateRoot": "0x12965ab9cbe2d2203f61d23636eb7e998f167cb79d02e452f532535641e35bcc",
#  "blockHash": "0xcfff92cd918a186029a847b59aca4f83d3941df5946b06bca8de0861fc5d0850",
# }
# Successfully wrote new JSON-RPC authentication secret to: /Users/somebody/beranode/var/beacond/config/jwt.hex

find var/beacond

# [Expected Output]:
# var/beacond
# var/beacond/config
# var/beacond/config/config.toml
# var/beacond/config/genesis.json
# var/beacond/config/priv_validator_key.json
# var/beacond/config/app.toml
# var/beacond/config/client.toml
# var/beacond/config/node_key.json
# var/beacond/config/kzg-trusted-setup.json
# var/beacond/config/jwt.hex
# var/beacond/config/app.toml
# var/beacond/config/config.toml
# var/beacond/data
# var/beacond/data/priv_validator_state.json

Your state root and block hash must agree with the above.

Set up the Execution Client ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ โ€‹

Create the following script:

File: ./


set -
. ./
mkdir -p $RETH_DATA

cp seed-data/eth-genesis.json $RETH_GENESIS_PATH
$RETH_BIN init --chain $RETH_GENESIS_PATH --datadir $RETH_DATA

Similar to setup-beacond, setup-reth puts in place the seed data for the chain downloaded above, and initializes the reth data store in var/reth/. Invoke the script:

# FROM: ~/beranode


# [Expected Output]:
# INFO Initialized tracing, debug log directory: /Users/camembearbera/Library/Caches/reth/logs/80094
# INFO reth init starting
# INFO Opening storage db_path="/Users/camembearbera/src/bera-beranode/var/reth/db" sf_path="/Users/camembearbera/src/bera-beranode/var/reth/static_files"
# INFO Verifying storage consistency.
# INFO Genesis block written hash=0xd57819422128da1c44339fc7956662378c17e2213e669b427ac91cd11dfcfb38

find var/beacond

find var/reth

# [Expected Output]:
# var/reth
# var/reth/genesis.json
# var/reth/reth.toml
# var/reth/static_files
# var/reth/static_files/
# var/reth/static_files/static_file_transactions_0_499999.conf
# var/reth/static_files/static_file_headers_0_499999.conf
# var/reth/static_files/
# var/reth/static_files/static_file_receipts_0_499999
# var/reth/static_files/static_file_receipts_0_499999.conf
# var/reth/static_files/
# var/reth/static_files/static_file_transactions_0_499999
# var/reth/static_files/static_file_headers_0_499999
# var/reth/db
# var/reth/db/mdbx.dat
# var/reth/db/database.version
# var/reth/db/mdbx.lck

Your genesis block hash must agree with the above.

Run Both Clients ๐Ÿƒ โ€‹

The following two scripts run the consensus and execution clients.

File: ./


set -e
. ./

File: ./


set -e
. ./

if [ -f "seed-data/el-bootnodes.txt" ]; then
    export EL_SEEDS=$(grep '^enode://' "seed-data/el-bootnodes.txt"| tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//')
if [ -f "seed-data/el-peers.txt" ]; then
    export EL_PEERS=$(grep '^enode://' "seed-data/el-peers.txt"| tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//')

$RETH_BIN node \
--authrpc.jwtsecret=$JWT_PATH \
--datadir=$RETH_DATA \
--port=30303 \
--http \
--http.addr= \
--http.port=8545 \
--http.corsdomain="*" \
--bootnodes=$EL_PEERS \
--trusted-peers=$EL_PEERS \
--ws \
--ws.addr= \
--ws.port=8546 \"*" \
--authrpc.addr= \
--authrpc.port=$EL_AUTHRPC_PORT \$LOG_DIR ;

Launch two windows. In the first, run the consensus client:

# FROM: ~/beranode


In the second, run the execution client:

# FROM: ~/beranode


Initially this will not appear to respond, but within a minute blocks should begin flowing. There should be no significant quantity of error messages, except for minor complaints about disconnecting or slow peers from time to time.

Testing Your Node ๐Ÿงช โ€‹

Check Sync Status ๐Ÿ”„ โ€‹

To check on the sync status of the consensus layer, in another terminal run the following which will retrieve the current block height from the consensus client:

# FROM: ~/beranode

# Don't have jq? `brew install jq`;
./build/bin/beacond --home=./build/bin/config/beacond status | jq;

# [Expected Output]:
# {
#   "node_info": {...
#   },
#   "sync_info": {
#     "latest_block_hash": "A72E1C5BD31B0E14604BB6DBA5A313F5B17F78FEE482453D9ED703E49D0C059B",
#     "latest_app_hash": "FC649179895650C9B6EB4320A096F46D8882CAD3AAFEE1B0D997B338BDF31618",
#     "latest_block_height": "1126228",<---- CURRENT NETWORK BLOCK
#     "latest_block_time": "2024-07-05T03:50:15.349853738Z",
#     "earliest_block_hash": "F10DEBCEF3E370F813E93BD8BBFA3DAC0392E6C3E9A8A63871E932ACDE44EE1F",
#     "earliest_app_hash": "E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855",
#     "earliest_block_height": "1",
#     "earliest_block_time": "2024-06-05T14:00:00Z",
#     "catching_up": false<---- IF `true` = STILL SYNCING
#   },
#   "validator_info": {
#     "address": "74F0F7AC6C37306E765487F8C43F01059EE28391",
#     "pub_key": {
#       "type": "cometbft/PubKeyBls12_381",
#       "value": "i/z8e0Fz1+EiW1YGe9wdqCuAM9sny3r8s4gpjLlDHGFQfv36Vffq/+KoCJKuGRT8"
#     },
#     "voting_power": "0"
#   }
# }

If catching_up is set to true, it is still syncing.

Testing Local RPC Node โœ… โ€‹

Now that we have our RPC running, let's go through a few steps to verify that the network is working currently but performing a few RPC requests.


Make sure that your node is fully synced before proceeding with these steps.

Get current execution block number โ€‹

curl --location 'http://localhost:8545' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{

# [Expected Output]:
# {
#     "jsonrpc": "2.0",
#     "result": "0xfae90",<---- compare with block explorer
#     "id": 83
# }

Get Current Consensus Block Number โ€‹

curl -s http://localhost:26657/status | jq '.result.sync_info.latest_block_height';

# [Expected Output]:
# 1653733

Followup Steps ๐Ÿ“ โ€‹

Particularly if you are a validator, consult the guide to Becoming an Awesome Validator.

  1. Cause your operating system's startup process to launch beacond and reth at boot. Test with sudo reboot.

  2. Cause your operating system to rotate logs.

    • For beacond, you can turn down the verbosity by revising config.toml and app.toml to say log-level = "warn".
    • For reth, change the invocation to use reth node -vv instead of reth node for warnings & errors.
  3. Monitor your node's disk space, memory consumption, and service availability. You can add --metrics=<ip>:6060 to the reth invocation to enable prometheus metrics collection. Specify an internal IP address accessible only to your prometheus server, or ensure this port is firewalled off from the internet.

  4. If you're hosting this for a dapp of your own, you will want to modify the CORS origins ("*") set on reth.