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Node Monitoring

Monitoring a Berachain node is essential to ensure that the network runs smoothly by catching potential issues early.

Enabling Monitoring

Like other Cosmos chains, the monitoring setup leverages the Cosmos-SDK's telemetry package. You can find examples here.

Enabling in Memory Telemetry Sink

In the app.toml file, set config telemetry.enable to true and enable api server

enabled = true
enable = true
address = "tcp://localhost:1317"
enabled = true
enable = true
address = "tcp://localhost:1317"

Enabling Prometheus

In the config.toml file, set config instrumentation.prometheus to true

prometheus = true
prometheus_listen_addr = ":26660"
prometheus = true
prometheus_listen_addr = ":26660"

Querying Metrics

Using above config, the metrics endpoint will be exposed at http://localhost:1317/metrics (text) and http://localhost:26660/metrics (prometheus)

For more detailed information on how telemetry works and a full list of supported metrics, you can refer to the official documentation.